"Music Dictionary Online's primary purpose is, in the case of non-English words and phrases, to offer translations and, more generally, and where appropriate, to offer explanations and comments about general (non-musical) words as well as specialist (i.e. musical, etc.) terms that might be found in musical scores, libretti, books on music, web sites, CD notes, concert programmes, etc. What distinguishes our dictionary from other dictionaries of musical terms is the inclusion of general words. Our dictionary can be used to assist in the translation of non-musical content (for example, biographical material) in music-related material. The selection of general words and phrases, drawing mainly from the English, German, Italian, French and Spanish languages (a similar range of words in Dutch is to be added later), is such as might be found in any good pocket dictionary. Our selection of specialist terms include words and phrases taken from a large number of related fields including music in all its forms, classical and modern dance, the fine arts, poetry, linguistics, drama, libretti, costume, architecture (useful for set design, etc.), cultural philosophy (including aesthetics), education, musical and cultural history, biography, physics, physiology and psychology (particularly as these relate to sound and music), medical terms (including those relating to disabilities, performance-related injury, illness, etc.), musical instrument making (including design, technology, electronics, etc.), musical instruments, recording, religion, printing and publishing, some notable works and important non-composer figures in music. We have also included terms drawn from the many world music traditions, jazz, rock, pop and related musical genres."
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